"Linguistic and cultural Know How for your decisive competitive edge on the international market!"

Translations for various specialisations Translation of official deeds and documents with and without endorsement Terminology management Consecutive interpreting Editing Proofreading Language training

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Localisation, meaning the adaptation of a product or service to meet linguistic, cultural and other requirements of the target market, is of vital importance in order to be internationally successful.

If you wish to secure a competitive edge for your enterprise and establish long term relations with your customers, you also need to take into account their cultural characteristics and linguistic nuances. A professional translation paves the way for a successful business endeavour.

I translate from German to English as well as from English to German and specialise in law, technology, economy and finance.

All other languages in cooperation with Legal-Tech Translation upon request.

More informations

Machine Translation (MT)

Computer programs that translate texts from a source into a target text are an integral part of a translator’s universe. However, to use online-tools such as Google-Translate to name but one poses a major risk in regard to data security. Why? Because nobody really knows where the servers, we send our data to, are located potentially leading to considerable consequences due to violations of applicable Data Protection laws such as GDPR or looking at the worst-case disclosure of company secrets.

With the implementation of Neuronal Machine Translation (NMT) in the area of Machine Translation technology temporarily peaked and me as a translator have to be honest: Results of such NMT really speak for themselves!

Such automated competition of the human translator has its advantages as well as disadvantages but is generally speaking an alternative for any text where quality is secondary, which have to be available at short notice despite large volumes and/or when no publication of such text is intended.
Not every text is suitable for Machine Translation. There are specifications, requirements as to quality and risk which simply do not allow for utilisation of NMT. For this reason every text must be assessed as to its suitability for NMT processing.

Which advantages does the utilisation of an NMT have for my customers?

By use of various NMTs in connection with post-editing a tremendous amount of data can be processed such ensuring short delivery times. Thus accelerating a product launch in foreign markets considerably.

With suitable texts such as product information, operator's manual, general business correspondence as well as internet data arising in forums, social networks or online-shops an enormous potential for savings may be realised.

Learning effect of the maschine
NMT-Engines learn autonomously and continually improve themselves. This means, that target texts are continually getting better..

Data security
Translation of texts with an NMT by a specialist translator takes place in a secure environment thus ensuring that any data processed does not, as in the case of Google Translate & Co., does not end up in the wrong hands.

However, such (rawly) translated text should be assessed by a specialist translator. This type of assessment, the so-called Post-Editing is an important service to assure text quality. Sometime NMT is unable to translate context appropriate or expressions, terminology and so on correctly. This is where the machine lacks "linguistic finesse" which results in misinterpretations, ambiguous or even completely entirely false translations. Here the post-editor steps in.

Depending on requirement and demand there are different type of post-editing:

  • Pre-Editing: The linguistic/formal preparation of the source text for a better NMT result.
  • Light Post-Editing: Review and correction for better textual readability and comprehensibility. Light post-editing is also suitable for target text prepared by non-native speakers.
  • Full Post-Editing: Review and correction of grammar, punctuation, syntax, customer terminology etc., localization, adaptation to the target market or target audience and corporate style guides. Full post-editing is also suitable for sophisticated target text prepared by non-native speakers.

Maybe you are interested in integrating an MT-tool into your process chain but your are not sure how such a tool works or what you will need in particular, how the translation processes are to be set up, document and data security is ensured. I am happy to advise an provide support from the first ideas right through to implementation.

Content Grabber

Smart Solution for Translators

Processing website content is a big problem especially if website data is not available in a common office format. But with the help of a content grabber, this is a thing of the past.

A content grabber is extremely advantageous as it collects individual or entire content in CMS-formats such as HTML or WordPress of a website. This data is then saved in an editable office format such as Word and can be processed. A translator for example can now translate such texts using a CAT-tool, upload it to the website or alternatively provided source and target text in an editable format.

This tool saves time and money as there is no need for any troublesome „copy & paste“ action of individual pages and sub-pages.
For more information please contact me.

Content Grabber

Source: James Osborne auf Pixabay

Birgit Bode-Welch

Duly authorized Translator and sworn Interpreter


  • Trade training in dental medicine
  • Seamstress (clothing and upholstered furniture industry)
  • Civil Servant MOD in London
  • Clerk in wholesale and foreign trade - sales and export - additionally import management (building sector and advertising industry)
  • Key-Account-Manager
  • CallCenterAgent training
  • Language coach
  • By the District Court Hannover and the Higher Regional Court of Hamm duly authorized Translator for the German and English language
  • By the District Court Hannover sworn-in Interpreter for the German and English language
  • Author (English for Negotiating, Business English for Beginners Workbook)
  • Project Manager
  • Certified Terminology Manager (Advanced Level)
member of Bundesverband deutscher Übersetzer Terminology Manager European Certification & Qualification Association

Order now:

English for Negotiating
English for Negotiating

How to effectively negotiate in English:
Realistic role plays provide important phrases
Numerous sample dialogs train listening comprehension
Focussing on cultural differences in negotiation strategies

Cornelsen Amazon

Business English for Beginners
Business English for Beginners

The Business English for Beginners Workbook contains many additional exercises to expand on the course book and teach basic knowledge of general and work related English for clerks, administrators, assistants and managers.

Cornelsen Amazon

Business English for Beginners - New Edition: A1

Business English for Beginners A1

Cornelsen Amazon

Business English for Beginners - New Edition: A2

Business English for Beginners A2

Cornelsen Amazon


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